Abbey Malt - Weyermann
Color °L: 15.5 - 19.3
Maximum Extraction : 75.0%
Total protein: ND
Recommended use: Up to 50%
Weyermann Abbey Malt is made from the finest quality European malting barley. The special malting process creates a crisp malt with a complex flavor profile. Its malty profile adds flavors of biscuit, honey, nuts and chocolate in addition to providing a pleasant coppery-golden color.
Weyermann's Abbey Malt is particularly suitable for the following styles: Belgian Pale Ale, Belgian Blonde, Saison, Trappist Beers, Belgian IPA, Bière de Garde, Dubbel, Belgian Golden Strong Ale, Tripel, Belgian Dark Strong Ale, Quadrupel, Barley Wine , Rouge des Flandres and Oud Bruin.