LalBrew Diamond - Dry Lager Yeast
LalBrew Diamond™ Dry Yeast is a true lager strain selected from the culture collection of the Doemens Academy in Germany. LalBrew Diamond™ offers excellent fermentation performance and has the ability to produce clean and authentic lagers. Traditional styles brewed with LalBrew Diamond™ include: Munich Helles, Dortmunder Export, German Pilsner, Bohemian Pilsner, American Pilsner, Vienna Lager, Oktoberfest/Märzen, Dark American Lager, Munich Dunkel, Schwarzbier, Bock, Doppelbock, Eisbock and California Common.
Attenuation: 77-83%
Flocculation: Fast
Ideal fermentation temperature: 10 - 15°C (50 - 59°F)
Alcohol tolerance: 13%