Propper Starter Concentrated Wort - Omega Yeast
Propper Starter® Concentrated Wort makes it easy to give your yeast the right start when brewing high gravity beers, lagers, nearly expired yeast packets and whenever a "starter" is recommended. No more messy measuring DME. No more waiting to boil and cool. Simply mix one can with an equal amount of purified water in a sanitized bottle to produce one quart of starter wort. To increase the biomass and vitality of your yeast, Prop It Up™ with a can of Propper Starter!
How to make your starter
- Disinfect a 2 L bottle, stir bar, can lid and yeast packet.
- Shake and open the can. Pour the contents into the bottle.
- Add 16 ounces (473 mL) of bottled, distilled, or boiled (and cooled) water to the bottle. You will get almost 1L of wort at 1.040.
- Add the yeast and shake the bottle to mix.
- Add the stirrer to the bottle, cover with foil, and mix on a plate mixer for 24 hours.