Pliny the Elder Clone - Russian River Brewing Co - All grain recipe 20L - Hoppy.ca
Pliny the Elder is an iconic beer of the 2000s and mother of modern IPAs. Brewed by Vinnie Ciluzzo, master brewer at Russian River Brewing Co, this beer contains an incredible amount of hops for the time and an IBU that continues to intimidate today and leave no one indifferent.
Style : IPA - Double IPA
Color : Golden
Bitterness: High
Estimated alcohol level: 8.0%
SRM : 6.6
DO : 1.072
DF : 1.011
Difficulty : Mean
Volume final : 20L
This recipe set contains all the necessary ingredients:
- Ground malts
- Hops
- Dry yeast
- Whirlfloc
- Brewing instructions (click here to download instructions)